The Westside (as the locals like to call it) has always been appreciated for its quiet beaches, rolling hills of orchards, and fantastic outdoor activities. The people here are proud of their rich history in agriculture, of the feisty Fur Brigade Traders and of their relationship with the Okanagan People. The small sleepy town that once was, has grown into a thriving independent municipality that has a ‘rural sophistication’ feel to it with vineyards, wineries, summer concerts, trails, agricultural pursuits, along with shops that offer the familiar comforts of home.
Spectacular Vistas – Our landscapes are the most photographed in the Okanagan Valley. Our dormant volcano, Mt Boucherie has created a terrain that is dynamic and interesting, while at the same time rich and lush. Its volcanic soil has primed the land for growing premium grapes. These vineyards, coupled with lake views and vistas make for some spectacular pictures.
Deep Roots – Agriculture has always been a way of life here and farm-to-table is not just the latest fad. The families on the Westside were true pioneers and innovators when it came to agriculture. The betterment and development of the nut growing industry in British Columbia began here at what is today known as the Gellatly Nut Farm Regional Park. The beginnings of the wine industry also got its start here with some of the oldest vines in the Okanagan being found in West Kelowna.
First Nation Peoples – The sqilxʷ people have lived in the Kelowna (kiʔlawnaʔ) and Westbank (stqaʔtkʷəɬniwt) area from time immemorial. Their rich history is passed down from each generation through ancient oral stories (captikʷəɬ). As you travel around our community you will see the Okanagan language (nsyilxcen) and their culture woven into the community through signs, public art, and symbols.
Pests in Kelowna
The mild, rainy ocean climate has long been the envy of Canadians looking to escape the cold of more eastern provinces. But the conditions that make Kelowna appealing to humans are exactly the same that make it an ideal home for pests who wouldn’t be able to survive the cold dry winters further east.
The dense vegetation that covers much of West Kelowna is home to a wealth of wildlife and associated pests that thrive in the temperate climate. As Canada’s primary gateway to Pacific trade, Kelowna’s harbours also offer some unique challenges for pest control and require continuous monitoring and prevention to ensure that infestations don’t take hold.
There’s nothing quite as frustrating as a pest problem. They can become a huge issue, whether you’re a homeowner or a business manager. That’s why Natural Pest Solutions offers pest control services in Kelowna and the surrounding areas. If you find unwanted rodents, insects, or other wildlife on your property, give us a call. We offer flexible hours so you can call us any time of day, any day of the week.
Natural Pest Solutions
Lakeview Heights, West Kelowna, BC V1Z
(778) 760-1646
Ant Season in Vancouver: How to Get Rid of Them
If ants have invaded your home, it is nothing to be ashamed of. During summer in Vancouver, these six-legged scavengers tend to invade properties indiscriminately looking for crumbs, oil, grease, spills, and other accessible stuff in your pantry. Ants leave an invisible trail that is often followed by another army of their relatives and friends. That means ant infestation grows very fast, a reason you should get ant control services Vancouver for proper inspection and extermination of these pests.
Types of ants
Here are some of the common ants in Vancouver.
Carpenter ants: Swarms of carpenter ants appear in the summer. They can cause significant damage to both dry and moist wood, particularly wood that has been damaged by water leaks. Carpenter ants rarely come into contact with people, and that means they can compromise the structural integrity of your property long before you realize that the property has been invaded by ants.
Argentine ants: These ants prefer sweet food. They also feed on both live and dead insects, cereals, meat, and damaged fruits. Argentine ants infestations grow fast and can drive all other types of ants from your property.
Fire ants: In addition to destroying plants and being unsightly, fire ants react aggressively and inflict an excruciating sting if aggravated. This is the primary reason you should get professional ant extermination services when dealing with fire ant infestations.
Sugar ants: They are majorly attracted to moisture. Thus, moist rooms such as kitchen and bathrooms are more susceptible to sugar ants infestation.
Why should you hire professional ant extermination services?
The most challenging thing about handling ants infestations is killing them and panic isn’t the big thing. Ants, particularly carpenter ants, can bring your property down and if not well-exterminated, there is a good chance the infestation will continue to grow. This is because the queen-ants will disperse and re-establish new colonies elsewhere. Therefore, you should hire an expert in pest control Vancouver.
Pest control companies have the knowledge and pieces of equipment required to exterminate ants. They can apply different products to control ants without endangering your loved ones. Another benefit of working with experts is that they can conduct subsequent inspections just to be sure that your property is ants-free.
While DIY pest control seems to be cheaper, it’s always expensive in the long-run as infestations recur.
Contributed by: JRG Pest Control – Foremost Experts in ants and other Pests
The Truth About Bed Bugs
There are a lot of myths regarding bed bugs. One such myth is after a female bed bug becomes pregnant 5 times, she readily dies. At the university where I work with the experts on bed bugs, we have found out that this is not entirely true. A female bed bug can be inseminated and her eggs fertilized many times by many male bed bugs. The process of inseminating her is what we call as “traumatic insemination”. This happens when a male bed bug climbs onto a female bed bug and thrusts his proboscis (spear-like organ) into her abdomen. Thus, he has injected his sperms into her. We know for a fact that a female bed bug can lay eggs over and over again so long as she is alive (and no, it is not limited to 5 pregnancies only). A female bed bug’s normal life may last for two years. Imagine the number of eggs she could produce within these years!
Another myth about bed bugs is that if you really want to control bed bugs, you could employ spiders because they prey on bed bugs. Some of these are predatory ants, assassin bugs, solpugids, fire ants, crab spiders, and cellar spiders. Well, while it is true that there are several arthropods which are considered as a major help in the control of bed bugs, they cannot be seriously considered as a major help in the control of bed bugs. “Why?” You might ask. The reason is obvious, actually. These biological predators of bed bugs may find and eat bed bugs but they could not be relied upon to finish off the whole bed bug population. Besides, if you were the homeowner, would you have wanted to have a large number of ants and spiders crawling all over your house just to gain control over bed bugs? I didn’t think so. The tendency is that if you have indeed killed the bed bugs, you would have had the same problems in eliminating these ants and spiders.
So what is the sensible thing to do then? Be cautious and check every possible place that bed bugs may dwell. Use streamers, and freezers; be good at maintaining them the cleanliness in your home. There are even such non-chemical methods that will comfort a homeowner. Such materials like mattress encasements, bed bug traps, and Eco Keeper’s new Bed Bug Tent will prove to assure homeowners and customers of refuge from bed bugs. If you think non-chemical means are not enough, then add chemical means like insecticides (Gentrol and Suspend). Although you cannot eliminate them immediately, at least gradually, you are on your way to killing them.
Natural Pest Solutions
4096 Ponderosa Ln, Gainesville, GA 30506, USA
+1 770-983-6123
10 Good Habits to Develop to Never See Flying Roaches Again
Next to termites and rodents, cockroaches are probably the most disgusting critters you can find in your homes. Do you want to know what’s even worse than roaches? Flying cockroaches! As if being germs on six legs wasn’t enough, God decided to give them wings to spread their bacteria-infested insect bodies all the more.
Flying roaches are known to make even the toughest, most macho of men run and scream like little sissy girls when they flutter in their presence. Macho or not, if cockroaches are fluttering all over the place, maybe it’s best to call pest control services.
But sometimes, there is no quick fix to a flying roach infestation. The root cause is, ultimately, the habits we develop. An unclean kitchen or room may be the reason why flying roaches have developed a preference for your home amongst others. In order to eliminate flying roaches for good, here are 10 good habits you need to develop.
Habit #1: Cleanliness
Just like any other pest, flying cockroaches are attracted to the scents of improperly stored food and drink. Make sure your kitchen and room are free from food crumbs and stains. Also, store food and drink in airtight containers, so flying roaches cannot infect them. As an added precaution, do store your leftovers in the refrigerator, since cold temperatures repel cockroaches and other insects.
Habit #2: Prevention
Since flying roaches are small, they can fit in through cracks or other openings they may find in your home. Make that all windows and doors leading outside are closed so that flying cockroaches and other pests don’t find their way in your home. Seal any holes you find around your home with screen mesh or cracks with silicone sealant.
Habit #3: Regular Gardening
Flying roaches like tall grass, wet wood, and other damp places they can find in your garden. Getting rid of places where these insects, and other pests, frequently inhabit will reduce their infestations in your home.
Habit #4: Purchasing Roach Motels & Other Traps
If you definitely see flying roaches in your house, one effective way of catching them is purchasing a Roach Motel trap. Place near wall corners (especially in the kitchen) and beneath appliances. Roach Motels attract and trap/kill roaches with glucose bait (laced with poison) inside or a sticky substance inside.
Another effective method to do this is purchase sticky paper and leave them in the same places at night. Chances are, you might find a roach or two the next day.
Habit #5: Get Rid of Cellulose-Based Materials
Roaches and termites love making homes in piles of newspaper, paper bags, and cardboard. Be sure you take these out of your house so these pests don’t have an open invitation to stay in your house.
Habit #6: Call Your Exterminator for Regular Inspection
Because let’s face it, when all the D-I-Y methods don’t work anymore, it’s time to call in specialists to deal with your flying cockroach problem.
Habit #7: Have a Water Spray Ready
Generally, cockroaches fly when they are disturbed. This is why is it terrifying to try to kill them because the slightest irritation could lead them to take flight. However, the very first thing you could do to make sure that they don’t fly is to spray them with water or, better yet, to douse them with a small cup of it. Cockroach wings are very light and they cannot function if it is drenched in water. When the roach cannot fly, it will be vulnerable and you can kill it easily.
Habit #8: Keep the Temperature Low
Cockroaches tend to fly more often when the temperature is hot. The Chairperson of the Biology Department of the University of Texas, Srini Kambhampati, said that “Because of the extreme heat, they may be trying to find a more comfortable place in which to live”. In search of said place, they desperately scour for it which why they resort to flying.
If ever your preventive measures have failed and you see cockroaches inside your home, then try to keep the temperature low so that they don’t fly and become difficult to kill.
Habit #9: Minimize the Amount of Wood Around Your Home
Primarily, you want to minimize the amount of wood in your home to discourage termites from infesting your home. However, for flying cockroaches, you want to minimize this amount that is outside your home. This is because most of the roaches that are capable of flying are of the wooden variety. These types of roaches prefer to live outdoors, moist sources of wood such as wood piles, inside decaying logs, and under the loose bark of trees, logs or branches.
When it comes time to mate, these critters will find their way into your home. Once they do get to reproduce inside your home, they will quickly infest your space.
Also, be careful when bringing in firewood from the outside. These roaches may hitch a ride on these pieces of wood and get to enter your home. When you have the time, seal any holes and openings in your pile of firewood.
Habit #10: Use Dimmers and Keep the Brightness Low
From wood roaches, the males are the more active flyers. The males have also been shown to be more attracted to light than females. When they see bright sources of light from your home, they will try to find cracks and openings so they can enter and find this source. To prevent or minimize this, use dimmers on your lights or don’t open too much light at night.
Natural Pest Solutions
8771 Lansdowne Rd, Richmond, BC V6X 3X7
Cockroaches: Americans versus Germans
There are thousands of different species of cockroaches, and the two more easily identifiable, and the two more popular ones from the 55 species found in the US, are the American and German cockroaches.
It is thought widely that these roaches immigrated with sailors when they brought over plants, spices, animals and other insects from different parts of the world.
How do you tell the two apart?
The largest species of cockroach would be the American cockroach, which can measure up to 3 inches (not counting the antennae’s length). They also have the longest lifespan for a cockroach, which in cockroach terms, is considerably long at up to 2 years.
The American cockroach is a reddish brown color. They are a flattened, oval shape. They also have a very distinct pattern on their backs, just below their heads, that looks like the number 8. Immature roaches don’t have wings, but adults do, and while they are capable of flight, they’re not regular fliers and prefer to scamper across the ground with their 6 legs at very fast speeds (up to 3 miles per hour, which makes them one of the fastest insects out there).
Like most of its species, they can feed off a lot of things, from trash to other dead cockroaches.
The German cockroach also has a distinct pattern on its back – but where the American cockroach has a figure 8 pattern, for the German cockroach it’s two dark stripes on their back that are parallel. They’re tan or brown in color, and are known as the most common cockroach found in residential homes in the US and in the world. These roaches are smaller than their American counterparts at about half an inch, and they only live for about 200 hundred days.
While they have wings, similar to the American cockroach, they’re also not regular fliers and prefer to move on the ground instead.
They have been observed to eat common household toiletries like toothpaste, soap, even things like glue. Where the American cockroach will eat another dead cockroach, the German cockroach has been known to kill a live one to eat in more extreme cases of hunger.
Both species can survive several weeks without any food, but will die without water or moisture for more than two weeks.
It is often said that when you see one cockroach, there’s likely a whole colony of them, or as it is more formally known, interestingly enough, a cockroach intrusion.
Another sign you have them in your home is if you see their egg capsules, which are dark brown or a very dark red, which they leave behind glued to walls or other surfaces near sources of food, and many people report a musty smell when there’s a heavy cockroach infestation in an area.
Contributed by: Watchdog Pest Control – Experts in Cockroach extermination
Watchdog Pest Control
3542 East Altadena Avenue
Phoenix, Az. 85028
What You can Do to Keep Out Termites
There are plenty of different types of pests that you can get when you are a homeowner but one of the most destructive are termites. These tiny little creatures can destroy your home of you don’t catch them soon enough. Termites can be extremely hard to detect since they build their nests underground and pretty much any home is free game for termites to come and invade. You need to have a plan in place to manage termites or they will eat the house out from underneath you. While wood frame homes are the most susceptible you can take steps to protect your home. Here is what you can do to keep out termites.
Avoiding a Termite Infestation
- Have a well-ventilated subfloors it will help keep termites from breeding in your floors.
- Have your home inspected on a regular basis. If you have an older home that is constructed with wood then this is a must.
- If you have a crawl space you need to get in and out unobstructed, it will allow you to see if they are getting into your home and it is easier to clean them out.
- Make sure that you have a proper drainage system to keep all of your subfloors dry. Poor drainage means water on site and that will attract a variety of different pests not just termites.
- Make sure that your timber framing has been treated it will help protect it from termites. You can do the same for patio furniture, decks and anything else that is made of wood.
- Put in a termite barrier, this along with regular maintenance and inspection will do wonders for keeping termites at bay. Contact an exterminator to help you with this.
- Keep decks and balconies separate from the house so termites have a harder time traveling and infesting your home. They are attached to your home but not necessarily part of the construction.
- Talk to a pest control company about the best way to keep your home termite free. If other homes in the area have had termites or you have an older home then you need an inspection right away. Termite damage can get costly pretty quickly, you want to get a jump on it right away.
Termites are more than just bugs on your property, they cause real and expensive damage to your property. If you even suspect that you have termites then you need to get someone in right away to inspect. Termites are perfectly capable of eating your house right out from underneath you and causing thousands of dollars in structural damage. Make a plan to keep them out.
Why You Need to Get an Exterminator and not Try DIY
As a homeowner there are some home repair and maintenance issue you have to deal with. You will at some point have to deal with blocked drains, getting the gutters cleaned out and at some point you’re going to need an exterminator to deal with pests. Pests will invade with our warning and you will likely try and handle the situation on your own. This isn’t always the best idea and often you can spend months trying to get rid pests rather than calling an exterminator and getting rid of the immediately. Here are some other reasons why you need to get an exterminator and not try DIY.
It is Safer
First and foremost it is safer than trying to do it yourself. Even pest control products that you buy at your local Home Depot have toxic chemicals in their ingredient lists. A professional exterminator is well versed on safety guidelines and they have products that are both safe and effective. You have the option of choosing products that will be safe for your home as well as the environment.
Customized Plans to Make Sure Pests Don’t Return
You need the right solution for the pests that have invaded your home and one that works for your family. Having pests and kids is a factor in the type of chemicals or traps that are used in your home. There really isn’t a single solution to pest control each home is unique and a pest control company can put together something that works for you. Not only that, they can help make sure that your pests don’t return.
It Costs Less in the Long Run
You may have gotten a quote from a pest control company and thought it was maybe a bit high. However let’s look at the cost of not getting rid of pests. First they can be dangerous to your health and that is priceless. Secondly, DIY pest control methods rarely work and you can spend a fortune on products that didn’t work. Pests can cause structural damage to your home. Rodents can chew through wires and start fires, termites can cause thousands in damage. Pest control is far cheaper than just hoping that the problem goes away.
It Can Take Time
This doesn’t mean that you have to live with pests for months but sometimes the pest control company may have to come and spray more than once to make sure that they get everything. If you are trying to do DIY you may not have the time and that means that the pests come back.
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JRG Termite & Pest Control
488 Stagecoach Rd,
Clarksburg, NJ 08510
Phone: 609-208-1024
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