Eliminate Mosquito Breeding Sites
Residents can do their part by emptying flower pots and other containers, replacing water in birdbaths, cleaning out clogged gutters and eliminating other sources of standing water on their property, or they can give a call to the experts from Pest Control London to take care of everything.
Making sure trash and recycling containers left outdoors are covered tightly with a lid is another way to prevent mosquitoes from breeding.
The Department of Health also recommends residents wear pants and long-sleeve shirts and use insect repellent on clothes and exposed skin when spending time outside.
To humans and domestic animals, mosquitoes are a nuisance as well as a serious health hazard. Mosquitoes are capable of transmitting a variety of diseases, including West Nile virus (WNv), LaCrosse Encephalitis (LAC), St. Louis Encephalitis (SLE) and Eastern Equine Encephalitis (EEE).
Most people who become ill from these diseases will have mild symptoms such as headache, fever, dizziness and fatigue, but severe neurological symptoms, coma and even death can occur. If you are bitten by a mosquito and experience any of the symptoms described above, you should contact a health care provider.
Mosquito prevention measures
Check your property for breeding sites. Eliminate any sources of standing water. Clean out gutters and birdbaths. Properly dispose of tires. Maintain swimming pools and hot tubs. Make sure septic tanks, rain barrels and garbage cans are tightly covered. Limit time spent outdoors during peak mosquito biting times. Wear loose, light-coloured, long sleeves and pants.
article by https://www.pantherpestcontrol.co.uk